Allen Harmon Mason Selinger Insurance Agency Blog: battle creek life insurance
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Tuesday, May 7, 2019When it comes to life insurance, people often consider it to be on a provider-only basis. In many cases, however, the provider of a household’s income isn’t the only provider. Stay-at-home parents need support, too, and life insurance serves such a purpose. Today, about 10. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 7, 2015When most people think of life insurance, they think about the death benefit. The death benefit provides their beneficiaries with a lump sum payment following the death of the insured. However, whole and universal life insurance policies offer owners features they can benefit from now while they are alive. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 12, 2015So you're a single person living alone. You have no dependents. You certainly don't need life insurance, right? Wrong. The fact of the matter is that life insurance can be beneficial to people who are single and have no children. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 7, 2014Being an expectant parent, you probably have an extremely long list of things you need to do before the arrival of your baby. However, you might need to add just one more item to your to-do list. Now that you're bringing a new life into your world, you are going to need to buy life insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 2, 2014It’s no secret that life insurance isn't the most pleasant topic on earth. While most of us blanch when someone mentions it, life insurance really should be at the forefront of every adult’s mind. There are lots of excuses out there about how delaying life insurance is okay, but none of them really hold any water—especially if you have a family. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 23, 2013Many individuals are overwhelmed by the decisions involved in purchasing life insurance. How much do I buy? When do I buy? How do I buy? But help is available in the form of an independent insurance agent. These professionals are trained to guide you through the process of selecting an appropriate life insurance policy for the needs of your family. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 20, 2013The importance of having Battle Creek life insurance simply can’t be overstated. Insuring your life will help your loved ones pay off any outstanding debts if you unexpectedly die. Whether this involves a mortgage or unsecured loans, this fact gives people the peace of mind in knowing that their dependents will be well looked after. READ MORE >>
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