Tuesday, May 7, 2019When it comes to life insurance, people often consider it to be on a provider-only basis. In many cases, however, the provider of a household’s income isn’t the only provider. Stay-at-home parents need support, too, and life insurance serves such a purpose. Today, about 10. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2019Home insurance provides a variety of protections for property owners. One type of protection is for stolen property. When a person enters your space and takes something, you may have the ability to file a claim for that lost item. In every situation like this, it’s important to know what to do to prove your loss and to get help with it. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 8, 2019Buying auto insurance for your electric vehicle can be a bit different than buying it for a standard car. Some people think electric car insurance is more expensive. It does not have to be. What is important to remember is that this type of insurance needs to be ideal for the type of vehicle you own. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 25, 2016Trampolines seem like a lot of fun, and they can be, but they can also be a safety risk. Because they do present a significant amount of risk, it’s important for individuals to take precautions to minimize those risks. However, it’s also important for homeowners to realize there are liability risks involved in these situations as well. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 25, 2016Business insurance is there as part of your backup plan. It is there to help you to cover the costs associated with any losses you may suffer. Today, it is growing in importance for many reasons, especially in the area of fraud. Take a close look at your company and employees. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 29, 2016As you get ready to purchase your next car, you may be focused on makes, models, features and monthly loan payments. Yet, you also need to factor in the cost of auto insurance on the new vehicle. Depending on the age and type of vehicle you are purchasing, your car insurance payment may be significantly different than what you are currently paying. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 22, 2016The investment in life insurance can provide one of the strongest cornerstones for your family's financial well-being. If you’re wondering if you need to invest in it or what the value would be to your family, consider these five ways life insurance can impact the lives of individuals in the long run. READ MORE >>
Thursday, December 31, 2015Research indicates that cold weather leads to a higher number of heart attacks. Many theories have been developed to explain why this season causes more heart issues. One is that blood vessels constrict due to the drop in temperature. Another theory is that people are not as active in the winter and when they are active, they overexert themselves. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 25, 2015What happens when you reach your liability coverage limits on your home insurance policy? You become personally responsible for the balance remaining after a claim has exceeded policy limits. If you are a homeowner, you may be forced to sell in order to satisfy any outstanding amounts you are liable for after insurance pays for a claim. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 21, 2015Whether you are delivering pizzas or penguins, it is important to make sure you have adequate insurance coverage. Here are three facts you need to know about deliveries and insurance. #1: Your Personal Auto Insurance Policy May Not Cover Damage to Your Vehicle READ MORE >>
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