It is not uncommon for business owners to know how to protect their workers and customers. You know to keep customer spaces clean to avoid slips and falls. You know how important worker safety is. Yet, third parties who enter your property are also at risk. General liability insurance can help cover losses
related to these individuals as well. Here is how they can help you.
When a Delivery Person Enters Your Property
Let’s say your delivery person comes into your stock room to drop off product. The floor is wet. He falls, hits his head, and suffers a blackout. A trip to the emergency room follows, along with significant medical bills. All of these costs might apply to you, the business owner. Because you left a wet floor, you might be responsible for the losses.
Sometimes, the delivery person’s workers’ compensation claim may apply to the situation. This depends on when it occurred and where.
However, your company’s liability insurance might also cover the costs. It is your fault, in this case, that the floor was wet. The individual had no warning about the wet floor. However, he or she had the right to believe the conditions would be safe for him to enter.
As a result, a general liability insurance claim might arise. The injured party might attempt to make a claim even if they have health insurance and workers' comp. The insurer will determine if they have an obligation to pay.
How to Minimize Risks Like This
When a third party enters your property, it is important to ensure conditions are safe for them. First, make sure there is a process to this. They should not enter without permission, even if the delivery is routine. This gives you or your employees a chance to ensure the property is safe before allowing them into it.
Second, practice good cleaning habits from the start. Make sure all floors remain dry and clean. You also want to be sure that there are wet floor signs in place if there is any risk that someone will enter the space during such situations. Consider using carpeting to absorb water in high-risk areas such as around sinks. And, teach employees how to clean up the floors after there is a mess. A clean-as-you-go strategy works well.
A delivery person is an individual who should have safe access to your property. You also should be able to help them out when accidents occur. Provide information about these falls to your general liability insurance provider. Be sure they explain to you how you can help them out.
Also Read: Got Fall Risks? Get Them Fixed