Every home insurance policy is different. Generally, policies offer a wide range of coverage for most types of incidents resulting from sudden and unavoidable damage. However, many policies also have exclusions. These are specific terms listed on your policy that exclude or limit protection against some risks. The most common exclusion is flood insurance, which generally is not a part of a home insurance policy, especially in high risk areas. But what does your policy protect from in most cases?
Breaking Down Your Home Insurance Coverage
For specifics, take the time to review your policy with your agent to ensure you know what is and is not included. In most cases, the following protections are in place:
- Fire and lightning protection is in place and generally will cover the dwelling and personal property.
- Explosions are considered covered in most cases.
- Windstorms are covered.
- Hail storms will receive coverage for any damage they cause in most cases.
- Volcanic eruptions losses are often covered.
- Coverage is usually in place for damage related to snow, ice and sleek as well—in terms of the weight of these natural occurrences causing damage.
In addition to these natural disasters, most home insurance will also protect from falling objects, riot or civil commotion losses, damage caused by aircraft or vehicles, theft, vandalism, smoke and accidental discharge from plumbing or heating.
Read Through Your Exclusions
It is also important to know what is not covered. Most policies will not cover perils related to floods or earthquakes. Mudslides, landslides and sinkholes are also not covered under most policies. In some cases, these are real risks to you. If you live in a high-risk flood zone or high-risk earthquake area, it is wise to contact your agency for a supplemental policy to protect against these risks. In many cases, there is support in place.
Don’t assume you know what your policy offers. Instead, work with your home insurance agent to determine what your actual coverage is and what steps you need to take to add more protections if and when it is necessary. Remember that you also need to have enough coverage to have significant protection against these big risks.
Check the details of your coverage. Call Allen Harmon Insurance at (269) 441-5156 for more information on Battle Creek home insurance.