Thursday, December 1, 2022Running a business involves dealing with necessary expenses to keep the door open. Among your business expenses might be insurance costs. Expenses also might include the costs to maintain company vehicles and drivers. If you operate vehicles for commercial purposes, you might need commercial auto insurance. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 6, 2021Business owners who allow their employees to drive as part of their assigned duties assume a degree of liability for the employees’ actions behind the wheel. Therefore, they need commercial auto insurance. Still, if an employee uses their personal car for work, then that does not mean that your liabilities go away. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 7, 2021When your employee drivers get behind the wheel, they are engaging in a high-risk activity. Like any other driver, they could be susceptible to accident risks, and when these occur, the driver might sustain significant injuries. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 30, 2020Like personal auto insurance policies, commercial auto insurance rates are subject to a variety of factors. The premiums for this insurance vary widely depending on your location, the size of your business and more. Taking a look at what is affecting your commercial auto insurance rates can help you understand your premiums and find ways to save money. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 5, 2019If you drive for a company like DoorDash, you generally do not need to carry your own commercial auto insurance. But, you should get in touch with your insurance provider in order to work out the details. Some insurers may provide additional coverages for delivery drivers, while others may need to reconsider your rates given how much time you are spending on the road. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 2, 2019It is not uncommon for business owners to know how to protect their workers and customers. You know to keep customer spaces clean to avoid slips and falls. You know how important worker safety is. Yet, third parties who enter your property are also at risk. General liability insurance can help cover losses related to these individuals as well. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 9, 2018Medical payment coverage is one component of a commercial auto insurance policy. You and your drivers should understand what it covers. This feature provides coverage for incidents in which passengers suffer an injury while in your vehicles. Without it, your company may have to pay for these losses out of pocket. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 14, 2018The job of a travel agent is to provide guidance and advice to his or her clients. As a result, these individuals typically work together to solve problems, create plans, and make purchases. All travel agents need to have a solid business insurance to cover all risks they face as a business owner. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 27, 2014Safety involves much more than simply locking up at the end of the day. As a business owner, you must provide a safe environment for both employees and guests, along with protecting the premises from criminals. Try these five tips for keeping your business safer: 1. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 29, 2013Keeping your business going is the number one concern of every business owner. Reducing daily business risks, providing products that customers want at prices that are fair are two major elements to keep your business in the lead. However, from time to time a business suffers from certain events that cause interruptions for a specific amount of time. READ MORE >>
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